Monday, February 18, 2008

Expect the unexpected

I took in 4 bunnies last Monday. Well, they were supposed to have been separate from the one male 'for a long time' . One of the females had 5 babies on Saturday morning. She is a lion head and the daddy is a dutch. Apparently 'a long time' is 3 weeks. One baby was a deformed peanut, one was eaten, and I am hand raising 3, one is missing an ear and its tail. Oddly enough, the half eaten one is doing the best as far as eating enough and is a real go getter. I know my odds are not good to raise these guys successfully, but I am willing to try my hardest and have researched the crap out of the subject. I cant find goats milk, making do with nutrical and KMR. Feeding 2 times a day and a few drops of water here and there between feedings. Making sure they potty after being fed. So far, so good. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

Getting the boys play area cleaned up. The upstairs looked like we needed disaster relief to step in. I am exhausted, having done most of the work. Develin wants a friend over for his birthday. No clean, no friend. I am helping him clean it up, but every two seconds he is playing with something he picked up and I am nearly hoarse from threatening him. Grrrr. Emery has been an angel until I try to get a minute of 'me' time. As soon as I got on here (not really complete me time, as I am also making supper) he comes in and starts screaming at me. Crappy diaper, I guess he waited until I put a fresh one on him to poop. Brandon just got home and is changing it while I finish up here. Will try to get on here in the next few days for a bunny update and to chat about garden plans.

By the way, I love google. I couldnt live without it. Better go, Emery is mad....

Friday, January 25, 2008

First blog

My name is Shaylee, it means 'fairy of the fields'. I grew up in the country. Remember seeing my first calf born, first time the electric fence 'bit' me, my first pet raccoon... I loved the country. The smell of cows never bothered me, believe me, it is nothing next to the smell of silage. I used to swim in ponds, run thru the woods chasing Bobby's boys begging them to let me play cowboys and indians with them. I wore my hair in braids (and still do quite often). I grew up and left home early, no need to share that sad story right now. I eventually wound up in Henderson, Ky. In TOWN!!! I love the area, but I dont like not having plants, a yard, a garden, pets.....

Forward 7 years and my 8th home later. I live in the country again. I am thrilled to the tips of my toes. I have birdfeeders and have been photographing the birds to identify them, I am planning a lot of flowers for my yard, bluebirds houses, more feeders, I have chickens. I have plans for ducks and more chickens. (eggs, not meat) My pet rats have plenty of room to play and our house rabbit love the freedom of the living room. I have seen my forst bald eagle and several after that, will post pics of those soon. I am identifying birds in my yard. My dog has been skunked and thinks he smells great judging from the way he struts around and wants us to pet his stinkiness. I live in Illinois on the Missouri and Iowa line. I can collect as many geodes as I want now without e bays help, lol.

More about me, I am 28, married, have two beautiful boys, 5 and 2. They adore each other and the little one, Emery, is mommas boy and will tell you so. I love photography and several crafty things. Woodwork, sewing, crochet, concrete work, gardening, birding, making things for my ferrets and rats, not to mention the mischevious bunny and her kitten sidekick, whose name is bunny. I recently got a new hairless rat, she had babies two days ago. I asked the girl at the petstore I didnt know about, buy one and get 11 free? At least I can keep my sense of humor about it. I do a little bit of everything. I can change a thermostat in a car and go inside, clean up and pick up my quilting where I left off. I ove aprons and have just started a collection. I love handwritten letters. I cook and I green clean as much as possible. I am a free spirit and sometimes am a little too honest.

I will post pics in my next blog of my pets and boys. My blogs might not be interesting at all times, but I will do my best, this being just an intro. Being new here, I havent any friends or family, this is my link to the outside world (well, this and Wal- Mart ;0)